“I enjoy transforming images from the ordinary into the extraordinary. Color is more than just a theory, I am fascinated by the inter workings of color. I define images with deliberate choices. The brush, the pencil, the ink pen, the camera and the computer are My tools.
I follow a formula to make crisp, metamorphic art works that will hopefully encourage the viewer, to wonder.”
Drip Paintings
“I think of a layout first; what shapes to feature and what direction the paint should flow.
The next step is painting layers; dipping into liquid paint with a brush, or just a screw driver; drizzle, drip, swirl, and a smudge. Energy flows from the hand to the dripping paint on canvas; controlling the rate of the drip and the speed of travel over the canvas. I leave room for a look of randomness. I splatter, scumble, tighten space, create new space, and confine space.
The start and end disappear into the composition.”
Realist Paintings
I use photography to start. I compose, edit and rework a photograph that has an existing presence, but isn't full realized. I add false exaggerated color as well as matching colors to bring a painting to life.
I live in the painting as the color builds and I explore the its development. I stop the process when I feel the brush can't improve the painting anymore.
Car Photographs
“Depicting ‘brake’ time for a ‘tired’ car, certainly inspired by jets and rockets to travel smoother and faster. They’re hiding in used car lots, junk yards and body shops; for sale on the side of the road; grazing in a field like cows; and competing to win an award at the car show. Classic cars are still life sculptures, that dream of the future, and of open skies reflected in their chrome bumpers. This is the photographic moment when cars take on personalities. They try to resemble their owners, or pose themselves in front of rearview mirrors. They stare at you, as if you are the deer in the headlights! Happy cars have big grin grill smiles, metal bow ties, mustaches, and even beards. Even though cars are massed produced, no two are truly alike! Each car is unique and ubiquitous. They all lead lives of their own. Own one today, or a photograph of one!”